2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


The freaking fracking lid keeps popping off my Bator, which happened last night while I was sleeping, so idk if any of the eggs are still alive

What would cause this to happen???
maybe put a weight on top like a book or 3, just so long as it doesnt block the ventilation

I couldn't imagine trying to monitor diabetes in a animal
god bless you there! I have a service animal which is a cat, she can detect by smelling my breath if my sugar is low or high and will alert me or my family. I can't imagine what a struggle it must be with an animal, I can barely keep my A1C right. I will pray that you guys get some management for the little guy, 500 would kill me so idk how that feels for a cat? Bless your heart
it took me years to get my a1c down, insulin pump was the best thing i ever got for myself
very sorry to hear about your grandfather

The freaking fracking lid keeps popping off my Bator, which happened last night while I was sleeping, so idk if any of the eggs are still alive :(
What would cause this to happen???

:idunno do you mean just popping open like losing its seal? Can you sit something on top of it with a little weight? Heavy book, etc?
maybe put a weight on top like a book or 3, just so long as it doesnt block the ventilation

:hugs   it took me years to get my a1c down, insulin pump was the best thing i ever got for myself
very sorry to hear about your grandfather 

I had the insulin pump but had to stop using it when I started treatment :( everything has been out of whack since then
I don't mean to intrude in some way, but have you considered, or are already using some natural alternatives to help you through this? I know there are some supplements that can help you through chemotherapy, and even a pure diet (when you can eat) may help.

I have found from experience that eating the right food, and not eating any of the bad food at all, the body will use for healing, and paired with the right supplements helps.
Is that a Janoel or a Magic Fly incubator? How do you like it? I was considering one before I found the Brinsea Eco that DH got me for Christmas. As for the lid popping off, could the vent hole be plugged? I know they have one. Might check it out. If plugged it could be building up heat making the lid pop.

I am very impressed by your service cat. Amazing animal. We have 5 cats, 4 dogs and 36 useless chickens. The only talent our cats have is missing the litter box and running high blood sugars. Oh, and eating. Two need special diets so they all eat the Hill's Science prescription diets. Ka Ching $$$$$$$$ Yet we wouldn't trade them for anything anyone offered us. Our diabetic kitty is half Siamese and just a character. It's so hard seeing him have such a hard time with control but we aren't giving up. Unfortunately our vet diagnosed him, handed us the insulin and syringe kit, knowing that we are retired medical people and sent us on our way. We have been fighting this for two months with him and finally said to heck with it and started to regulate his dosage ourselves. He is supposed to take 4 units of U40 Vetsulin twice a day but doesn't tolerate it. We were to the point that we were spending a lot of time just shoving honey into him so we could keep him from bonking on us. He was tolerating 3 units but his accuchecks were running really high, so we are now giving him 3 units three times a day and his reading are starting to come down slowly. We don't know what his long term outlook is. His back legs are slowly deteriorating from diabetic neuropathy so we are squirting B12 down him also trying to stop that progression. He's 15 years old tho and has been a good friend so he deserves the extra attention.

I think Teton has given you some good ideas to try. Cheese and crackers can also help keep your blood sugars level. Have you tried the no sugar added Boost or Glucerna? The chocolate malts are delicious! If you can tolerate them, you could try mixing a no sugar added Instant Breakfast in with them for an extra jolt of nutrition. I used to mix them for my mom when she was ill and we were trying to keep her weight up. But like I said, small frequent meals over large are the way to go. I sure hope you are feeling better today and the 6 pack is continuing to grow!
I don't mean to intrude in some way, but have you considered, or are already using some natural alternatives to help you through this?  I know there are some supplements that can help you through chemotherapy, and even a pure diet (when you can eat) may help.

I have found from experience that eating the right food, and not eating any of the bad food at all, the body will use for healing, and paired with the right supplements helps.

That's not intrusive at :)
if I'm going to be honest, I am HORRIBLE at taking care of myself, I can take on the world but when it comes to me, I am last. I have thought about alternative medicine for the nausea since I am having so many problems with keeping stuff down or even eating at all. I just have no idea where to even start when it comes to that. Medical marijuana has been suggested but that's not for me, I didn't even try it in high school lol , I had someone suggest just THC oil ( I think that's what it was called) but once again, I'm not educated enough to even know what that is...Sooooo, if you would like to share some advice that would be great :)
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Seaweed is great (from the east coast of north america area - NOT the west coast or japan), I've heard good things about chlorella and it comes in pill form so might be easier for you to take. Also any dark leafy greens, especially kale will help your body to stay strong and rebuild.

Oh, and cancer feeds on sugar so cutting out sugar and wheat would REALLY help.
I know, hard to do

Just wanted to pop in with a couple suggestions, hope that's OK.

If you want me to suggest any sugar-free tasty recipes (tasty to me - but I'm not used to sugar) I'd be happy to.
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I had the insulin pump but had to stop using it when I started treatment
everything has been out of whack since then
i'm sorry! that stinks they took my pump away when i had my baby, and wouldnt listen to me when i told them how much insulin i needed
lol, they would give me food, and i would sit there and stare at it, they would ask what the problem was and i would be like - "you expect me to eat all this starch without any insulin?? i am trying to keep my sugars stable and here you guys go trying to ruin everything i have done! give me my insulin!"

i hope you can figure out some easy on your tummy snacks
Seaweed is great (from the east coast of north america area - NOT the west coast or japan), I've heard good things about chlorella and it comes in pill form so might be easier for you to take. Also any dark leafy greens, especially kale will help your body to stay strong and rebuild.

Oh, and cancer feeds on sugar so cutting out sugar and wheat would REALLY help. :oops: I know, hard to do

Just wanted to pop in with a couple suggestions, hope that's OK.

If you want me to suggest any sugar-free tasty recipes (tasty to me - but I'm not used to sugar) I'd be happy to.

Anything is great, my husband and I were just talking about me taking more greens to help, I don't have a lot of sugar in my diet now because I am type 1 diabetic , I don't eat a lot of treats so any recipes would be great!

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