2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

And here she is!!! Our beautiful and gorgeous Lucy!!!!

Lucy, you are just beautiful
. Your hair will grow back, Promise...but you look stunning with long hair or short hair, either way
I am considering the silkies and bantom Americauna for my byc project. Since my traumatic experience years ago with the larger birds biting, pecking, clawing, and trying to rip my throat out and blind me with their talons and beaks, I want to stay small and timid if possible. The city code here allows up to 5 hens and no roosters after they reach 6 mons. Attwoods will be getting chicks in a few weeks but they don't have much variety.
I can't grow them in the incubator, I am not that brave yet. That takes real guts as we witnessed here on the Duck Chronicals.
I am told Silkies are hard to raise? Husband says chickens that look like furry little bunnies can't lay large enough eggs to make a decent omelet.
Getting the coop at Atwoods too, as hubby's first attempt at making one turned into firewood after closing the door for the first time.
I have to have good layers with sweet dispositions.
You ladies have the knowledge and experience that can't be found in books. My degree is in law, not in raising birds, so any advice or opinions will be greatly appreciated.
I want them large enough for medium eggs and small enough that I can defend myself against them if they decide to rebel and go on the attack and try to scratch out my eyeballs with those talons.
Yes, I am a victim and survivor of my own flock of ducks, geese, RIR chickens and a peacock turning on me and trying to kill me. I am sure it was the mean one eyed RIR rooster that instigated the attack.
So any ideas you gals have on chicks that are good with small children and cowardly adults, would be a godsend as I haven't got a clue.
My dear friends, I beseech your kindness and knowledge in seeking nice birds.
NO Godzilla chickens. I don't want to have to wear riot gear just to feed them.
Help please!
Scaredy KAT in OK
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I am considering the silkies and bantom Americauna for my byc project. Since my traumatic experience years ago with the larger birds biting, pecking, clawing, and trying to rip my throat out and blind me with their talons and beaks, I want to stay small and timid if possible. The city code here allows up to 5 hens and no roosters after they reach 6 mons. Attwoods will be getting chicks in a few weeks but they don't have much variety.
I can't grow them in the incubator, I am not that brave yet. That takes real guts as we witnessed here on the Duck Chronicals.
I am told Silkies are hard to raise? Husband says chickens that look like furry little bunnies can't lay large enough eggs to make a decent omelet.
Getting the coop at Atwoods too, as hubby's first attempt at making one turned into firewood after closing the door for the first time.
I have to have good layers with sweet dispositions.
You ladies have the knowledge and experience that can't be found in books. My degree is in law, not in raising birds, so any advice or opinions will be greatly appreciated.
I want them large enough for medium eggs and small enough that I can defend myself against them if they decide to rebel and go on the attack and try to scratch out my eyeballs with those talons.
Yes, I am a victim and survivor of my own flock of ducks, geese, RIR chickens and a peacock turning on me and trying to kill me. I am sure it was the mean one eyed RIR rooster that instigated the attack.
So any ideas you gals have on chicks that are good with small children and cowardly adults, would be a godsend as I haven't got a clue.
My dear friends, I beseech your kindness and knowledge in seeking nice birds.
NO Godzilla chickens. I don't want to have to wear riot gear just to feed them.
Help please!
Scaredy KAT in OK

I have Silkies, regular sized true Ameraucanas, and Ohiki... along with other breeds... while the Silkies actually lay a decent sized egg for a bantam, my Ohikis lay better than Silkies... and they are extreme sweethearts... are you sure you wouldn't try incubating? If you get an incubator with an autoturner, we could help you through incubating, no problem... my Ameraucanas are super sweeties as well, I don't keep nor breed aggressive birds...

Harchery/feed store chicks can be a gamble... some turn out great, some not so great... sourcing from good stock is usually your best first step though...

Think about incubating and let me know if you change your mind... :)

This is one of my Ohiki hens... she just hatched 4 chicks... though she kinda growls a bit when I pet her, that's all she does... doesn't peck, kick, scratch or get aggressive in any way... :)

I am considering the silkies and bantom Americauna for my byc project. Since my traumatic experience years ago with the larger birds biting, pecking, clawing, and trying to rip my throat out and blind me with their talons and beaks, I want to stay small and timid if possible. The city code here allows up to 5 hens and no roosters after they reach 6 mons. Attwoods will be getting chicks in a few weeks but they don't have much variety.
I can't grow them in the incubator, I am not that brave yet. That takes real guts as we witnessed here on the Duck Chronicals.
I am told Silkies are hard to raise? Husband says chickens that look like furry little bunnies can't lay large enough eggs to make a decent omelet.
Getting the coop at Atwoods too, as hubby's first attempt at making one turned into firewood after closing the door for the first time.
I have to have good layers with sweet dispositions.
You ladies have the knowledge and experience that can't be found in books. My degree is in law, not in raising birds, so any advice or opinions will be greatly appreciated.
I want them large enough for medium eggs and small enough that I can defend myself against them if they decide to rebel and go on the attack and try to scratch out my eyeballs with those talons.
Yes, I am a victim and survivor of my own flock of ducks, geese, RIR chickens and a peacock turning on me and trying to kill me. I am sure it was the mean one eyed RIR rooster that instigated the attack.
So any ideas you gals have on chicks that are good with small children and cowardly adults, would be a godsend as I haven't got a clue.
My dear friends, I beseech your kindness and knowledge in seeking nice birds.
NO Godzilla chickens. I don't want to have to wear riot gear just to feed them.
Help please!
Scaredy KAT in OK

I agree with Ravyn, try hatching! You will love it!

But as for chicks, my vote goes to bantam cochins. Nice size egg for a docile little beautiful bird. Plus, they don't move quite as fast as some others, because of their heavily feathered little legs, and fat round bodies. :D


Pandora and friends...

Omg! :love

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