2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


Ummmmmmm.... :lau
My minister once told me that God puts you where you need to be and when you need to be there for a reason. It's just up to us to find the reason.

Which is why I was moved to click on the thread about twin embryos when I did and continue to read on even though I don't have ducks, love ducks but only have chickens right now. And When is because I was gleaning information and learning all I can about what I might encounter when I incubate my own eggs, (11 bantam eggs on day 11 right now).

I was inspired by the story that unfolded before my very eyes and the courage and determination of the young woman who is not only fighting for her own life but for the lives of the little feathered souls placed in her care.

The journey continues.......

@Juliebird this is your God duckling from the fab 5 I decided today that she will definitely become a house duckling, she's too small to ever make it outside the safety of my home.. I know you will fall in love with her tiny beak and little body, she's precious!!


Banty this is why you need some call ducks, once you go call you never go back... They are beyond precious and unlike any other duck I have had


@Juliebird this is your God duckling from the fab 5 I decided today that she will definitely become a house duckling, she's too small to ever make it outside the safety of my home.. I know you will fall in love with her tiny beak and little body, she's precious!!


Banty this is why you need some call ducks, once you go call you never go back... They are beyond precious and unlike any other duck I have had


EEEEEEEEEEEE. Precious nibbler.

Yes, I need call birds. Hopefully by June. :fl

@Juliebird this is your God duckling from the fab 5 I decided today that she will definitely become a house duckling, she's too small to ever make it outside the safety of my home.. I know you will fall in love with her tiny beak and little body, she's precious!!

Banty this is why you need some call ducks, once you go call you never go back... They are beyond precious and unlike any other duck I have had

so small!

@Julie Bird

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