2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


Another with a a possible twin embryo. Goodness! I hope things go well for you. As you have probably read, hold on for a roller coaster ride.
You said you've already hatched twins, Bobi? Cool! How did the first one go? :)
Well l have it was pretty stressful. I did not know they were twins at first. But once they had been hatching for tree days I decided to help and the next thing I knew there were two heads and than two chicks one died the next day but the other one is still alive. I want to be more Prepared this time and hopefully both of them will make it.
I'm hoping it will be a black or mostly black.

I get my hatching eggs from an Amish neighbor who has OEGBs free ranging on his farm. His original flock master is a solid black but they have cross bred colors a lot. I did get one little pullet that almost looks like a Birchen but since I'm doing this for my own enjoyment and for my own back yard flock, I'm not really concerning myself with breeding for color purity.

Right now I'm waiting for my last three eggs to hatch. Two are zipping and the last is pipped and starting back to work after a rest. I know they aren't ducklings but they sure are fun to watch hatch! As for Ducklings......someday, hopefully soon, LOL.

I had 6 SDW eggs in my incubator (along with other eggs). Day 7, 4 were clear, so I replaced those 4 with 2 more SDW, and some other eggs. My girls are finally laying a few here and there, so I still haven't forgotten that you want some!

I just have 2 Roos that are the right colors [silver duckwing]the rest of mine are just back yard too but they are just the cutest things. Looking forward to my girls going broody so we can have more right now I just have 7 and 4 are roos. My one lil Hen went broody at 4 months old I was so surprised. Out of 11 eggs she hatched 6. Great mama too. Congrats on yours look forward to seeing them all. Mine actually started from eggs I got from WVduckchick last spring.

Aww thanks. Snow sure was a great mama at such a young age. I don't know why they have so many boys! LOL

Well l have it was pretty stressful. I did not know they were twins at first. But once they had been hatching for tree days I decided to help and the next thing I knew there were two heads and than two chicks one died the next day but the other one is still alive. I want to be more Prepared this time and hopefully both of them will make it.

Happy and Sad at the same time, but its cool that one survived. Good luck with the current double!

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