2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


My happy place
Glad to hear that you are feeling better, Lucy. I'm still working on a pic of little 'Lucy" chick. Man, I'm hoping she is a she, LOL. I was hoping to get a picture done today but was gone most of the day. Little Lu is doing fine. I was just out trying to teach the little poop machines how to scratch and only succeeding in getting my fingers pecked.

I got out late to take care of the flock and discovered that I have a broody hen. Head slap. 11 new babies and NOW I get a broody hen. I have about 7 Welsummer hens that are about 2 years old now. I was able to hatch one pure bred pullet last year that I named Dolly. I was so shocked when I saw her that I said, 'Well, Hello, Dolly" and the name stuck. My Welly hens are great layers but they don't let the boys near them unless they are reall really in the mood and that ain't often. I considered myself lucky to get Dolly and now Dolly is just certain that she can't go on without some eggs to drool over.

Guess I go see Our Amish neighbor tomorrow.

And try to get a pic of Little Lu.
Feeling much better today, even got outside and enjoyed the afternoon after storms hit this morning (slept right through the tornado sirens) it turned out to be a good day!
Kids haven't cleaned their rooms so I bit the bullet and did it last night before bed. I decided that those days were going to stop and I would start pad locking doors if they don't help more :(
Thanks for checking on me!!!

we never wanted to let mom clean our rooms growing up (there was/is 6 of us) If she had to clean them anything she deemed garbage or not worth keeping went In the trash and it stayed there. Looking back I don't blame her I would have done the same thing. Im so glad my kids have 4 legs and fur or two legs and feathers lol
we never wanted to let mom clean our rooms growing up (there was/is 6 of us) If she had to clean them anything she deemed garbage or not worth keeping went In the trash and it stayed there. Looking back I don't blame her I would have done the same thing. Im so glad my kids have 4 legs and fur or two legs and feathers lol

Next time I have to clean their rooms it will be with a trash bag, my kids want for nothing, Ravynfallon can contest to that, so I'm at my wit's end with the disrespect and entitled attitude...Momma has to get tough I guess...
Next time I have to clean their rooms it will be with a trash bag, my kids want for nothing, Ravynfallon can contest to that, so I'm at my wit's end with the disrespect and entitled attitude...Momma has to get tough I guess...
@lucysducks11 How old are your kids? I thought i read your in your 60's guess I was wrong about your age.

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