2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Swans keep geese away.... idk how they feel about ducks but they are pretty! just don't get between them and their babies.....
You are so right. I wouldn't but it would be more out of respect. Birds in the wild deserve distance. It amazes me those huge birds can lift up and fly. Imagine the strength. I know Lucy didn't intentionally trespass the geese. I heard from someone once they got wing wacked by a retaliatory goose and it was painful. I'd be petrified of their human tongues.
Lucy, you need to leave a rope with a grappling hook on one end, out on the island.

But with your luck, the rope would end up being a foot too short.
They bulky ducks and destroy any attempt they make to nest
I wished they would go away..

That is sad. We have one pair that we call the homers, they come every year. Last year was the first time I ever saw actual eggs..... but my dog ate them as they built their nest right next tot the road. I'm hoping they at least have babies this year. If they don't it may be the last year we let them stay. We may have to encourage them to go elsewhere and have our own ducks that will stay with us.

Was finally able to get a picture of the babies you all loved so much, the 6 pack is now a 3 pack
That's Ray in the back , they are all getting so big and beautiful, all are Drake's of course

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