2 Legged Predators.....

These are the same people that will gladly turn someone in even when they themselves commited a crime.....we have that element around here as well. If it isnt bolted down its stolen, if its not occupied they burn it down. You cant even leave round bales stacked and tarped because it will go up in flames. In turn, when the police are given tag numbers, they do nothing. When given the eyewitness account with full description, no action is taken. I have a ton of friends that are both sheriffs and state police here, as well as FBI and ATF agents and they all shake their heads as they know that nothing is done. If they dont catch them 100% in the act they wont bother with it...shameful, but thats what going up against defense attorneys and prosocuting attorneys who fail or dont want the burden will get ya!
Ok, yes, AT is right, I agree, but nothing happened to my chickens except being frightened by these 2 teen boys. I did point the gun at them and told them to get off my property and I did scare them good. These boys appeared to be around 14 years old and they did sneak out of their house at 2am. If they choose to tell their parents in the morning, fine, I will talk to them and explain how horrible I would have felt if their kids were injured in any way because I am not the only one who keeps any kind of firearm around the house. The two boys got my point and left and I now have padlocks on my coop.
Yea I would of shot them right in the butt!! I would like to see them trying to explain to someone what happened to them if they had the nerve to tell
But a padlock is a good idea~ Kids completely lack respect these days and should be held accountable more for their actions. I'm sorry you had to chase your chickens so early though. Was Mango's feathers ok?? You said they were on the ground did they pull any feathers out??? Hope all your chickens are settled now and you get your much needed rest!
Ha! Mango put up quite a fight, she hates being picked up & held, so the boy was trying to grab her by the feathers, but she's ok. She's fluffed up like a turkey right now walking all over the yard. Hmm, need to take a pic of that to show my hubby.
I would have called the parents (at 2 AM). This may have driven the point home a little better. If they didn't appear to care. I would call back an hour later (just to stress the point).
Padlock your cop and run, get video or pictures with a game cam (positioned so they can't steal the camera) and document the issue with the sheriff's office. Maybe a visit from him will wake up them and their parents

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