2 month old chicks.. when to switch feed?

Ours are 5 weeks old and are on dumor starter/grower. Keeping them on that until about 10 weeks then moving to grower/finisher. You don't want to put them on layer pellets until, at least, 18 weeks-ish. When they are getting ready to lay. The calcium in the layer pellets can hurt the little ones.

I have read where some people will not give layer pellets, but add free choice oyster shell. Which is probably what we will do since we are raising a few roosters this time :)
A grower feed is all you need. You don't give layer feed to chickens until they start laying or are at point of lay. Depending on breed that can be anywhere from 18 weeks to 36 weeks old. Usually 24 weeks is the mark.

Dumor starter/grower is the least expensive they carry.


Grower/Finisher is less expensive due to the lower protein. I'd not use it on such young layer type birds. It would be good at 4 months or point of lay on (especially if you use oyster shell instead of layer feed) but think the birds need more protein to grow.
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Finisher is to finish meat birds. Pullet developer, or a grower feed is what you want in between starter and layer feed.

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