2 Pigmy Wheathers


13 Years
Mar 4, 2009
2 PYGMY WEATHERS THEY WERE BORN aug. 09,I would like for them to go together.They are learning to walk on the lead rope for 4H.We no longer are going to use them for 4H.Asking $65 for BOTH or $45 each.Must Pick Up
I am gonna have to beg the folks for these two cuties.. We dont have our big fence up yet but can put up a temp one with cattle panels.. I may be getting back with you on these two..

Have they been disbudded yet..
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we only live about 30 min away. they are really sweet and friendly.but no have not been dibudded yet we keep them on so they could defend themseves from the other goats,
Moms on the boat but gotta talk my old dude into it.. We were planning to get some in the spring once fencing is up... The sad thing is Im an adult but its their property... Sigh.. I'll let you know though..
Hey there,any LUCk yet???I ws just wanting to know how it was going trying to get the other to say YES.

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