2 Roos, asking for trouble?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 12, 2012
So - recently thanks to some lovely folk here, I got confirmation that my lovely Pekin hen, is indeed my lovely Pekin rooster!

now I am unsure of what to do. Opinions seem to vary soooo greatly over what is a good idea, and what would be a disaster!

I obviously dont wont to leave things till they get bad - but they seem perfectly happy in each others company atm - infact I thought the Pekin ( now named Keegan ) was Ash's favourite girl?

Advice very much appreciated!​
I'd just keep an eye on them and see how things play out. Have a contingency plan in case problems break out, but relax and enjoy them until then. Given enough space and ladies they may coexist with no problems.

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