2 week old chick has VERY red butt and is pecking at it

Too late for this hatch, but I put each egg in a muffin paper to stop all the gunk from falling into the bottom of the incubator. Once they have hatched I remove the muffin case and lay the chick on paper towel.

Wow! Terrific idea! I will definitely use that if I ever hatch anymore babies.

And okay subhanalah. I will try to tie it off. I just put a string around the mass as close to the body as possible and when trying the knot pull as right as possible? I imagine it will cry and flail. Is it okay to put antibiotic ointment on it with painkiller? (Neosporin for instance)?
Wow! Terrific idea! I will definitely use that if I ever hatch anymore babies.

And okay subhanalah. I will try to tie it off. I just put a string around the mass as close to the body as possible and when trying the knot pull as right as possible? I imagine it will cry and flail. Is it okay to put antibiotic ointment on it with painkiller? (Neosporin for instance)?

If your chick is only a day old I would give it time to absorb what looks like it could be yolk. It is best to separate it from the others to avoid them pecking it. Once it has absorbed the majority of the yolk it will shrivel up , then with a pair of sterile scissors you can cut it off close to the body.
It would be nice to have @ Sally Sunshine chime in here, cause she's the guru on this stuff.
By pulling the string you may inadvertently pull the chord out and that would kill the chick.
Scroll right down the page almost at the end of the article.

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Just an update; I haven't yet tried tying anything off. The mass has definitely shrunk down since yesterday afternoon. Since it is shrinking I figured I'd continue to watch closely. I sprayed the area with vetermicyn and wrapped the chick in clean, warm and moist paper towel.

The chick that hatched last night really is ready for the brooder box but I don't want to leave the other little chick all by itself :/
Just an update; I haven't yet tried tying anything off. The mass has definitely shrunk down since yesterday afternoon. Since it is shrinking I figured I'd continue to watch closely. I sprayed the area with vetermicyn and wrapped the chick in clean, warm and moist paper towel.

The chick that hatched last night really is ready for the brooder box but I don't want to leave the other little chick all by itself :/

Once it shrinks down it will dry up and drop off. Don't wrap the chick in wet paper towel.
I had one hatch with at least 1/3 of the yolk not absorbed , once it dried up I simply cut it so it wasn't dragging on the ground and over the next few days the rest dropped off. This is him sitting in an egg cup waiting for some to absorb.

You can't use any "caine" medicine on birds, the plain neosporin is fine, but no pain killers. It can kill them! I know you decided to let it absorb, just wanted to let you know. I didn't know this, and almost accidentally killed a hen with a torn carnucle.
I, too, am very curious about this as one of my chicks that just hatched has something that looks like this. I think I should wait for it to fluff up before applying any antibiotic ointments, but I would like to know if anything else should be done.

This is my Jersey Giant chick, now three days old. He was an assisted hatch and had this nasty looking navel but within 24 hours, it had retracted and dried up and he has been absolutlely fine ever since....

If you can't bring yourself to tie off the umbilicus, it would be better for the little chick to cull...necrotic umbilicus is not a pleasant thing to live through. Honestly, these guys that hatch this way don't have long to live if left that way. That's been my experience and those of my friends who hatch eggs that have had it happen.

The iodine/vetericyn treatments will be ideal for the other two, who just need to close up a bit more.
agreed totally

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