2 week old goat with diarrea? -GOT WORST!!!?

Well im glad you got him into the vets. come on little baby !
Whew!..SOOOO glad you got her to a vet!..
...now, we just hope he pulls through....
...thanks for bringing her to a vet!, Wendy
I feel for your situation! I hope she gets better (I'm sure she will under the vet's care).

We just had a similar situation with a calf that was abandoned here about two weeks ago. I think someone just dropped her off at our farm who didn't want her (we called all the livestock auctions and everyone we could think of who might have owned her - nada). Anyways, the calf was a few days old and had bad diarrhea.
We got advice and basically bought calf replacer (milk-based, NOT soy-based) and gave that 3 times a day, plus gave her some pepto bismo and 2 antibiotic shots which we happened to get free from a vet because it had just expired. We also added a raw egg to her warmed milk which they advised. She was pretty sick for a few days, but gradually she recovered and now she's doing great and we found a home for her with a lady who has a couple of pet horses and sheep.

By the way, I'd just like to add my 2 cents about milk powder versus fresh raw milk discussion. The idea that "real" milk isn't as good as a powder is a sign to me that we have been truly brainwashed by a lot of hype and marketing. Real milk (and milk with colostrum) will always be superior to powdered formula. If you're looking for medications, and you want powdered milk with medication added, well I can understand why you might want to buy premixed powdered milk. Dairy farmers feed their calves milk replacer because the real deal is what they are selling to make a living.
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Hi, i agree that raw milk straight from the goat with colostrum is best....but, she was getting hers from a supermarket....i just dont think thats as healthy for the baby as the powdered formula...but, i agree that fresh milk from mama goat is always the best... but, i dont think she had momma goat on hand there to milk....or maybe she did..i dont know the whole situation....
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it is legal in california, just have to put a warning that scares the crap out of people and add ( drink at own risk) thing to the label. It can be purchased at most health food supermarkets here.

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