In the Brooder
I have a small 2 year old hen Louella in a flock of 3, all the same age. I do not artificially light their coop so they stopped laying in November and resumed in February I think. Louella’s eggs since then have been infrequent but huge, much bigger than those of her 2 larger sisters. A couple months ago her laying slowed down to one egg a week and stopped about a month ago. One day I found her in the nesting box in the penguin position as if she were going to lay an egg but didn’t. She doesn’t seem unhealthy but when I go to clean the roosting area of poop every morning I notice that she has hardly been pooping during the night. She is eating and drinking. I am worried that she is egg bound but don’t notice obvious signs of that. Today I crushed a calcium pill, mixed it with water and she drank it readily from my hand. Then I soaked her bottom in warm water, coated her vent with coconut oil and even managed to feel inside her with one inch of my finger but didn’t feel an egg. I put her in a pen in a darkened area for over an hour. No egg. Her vent area doesn’t appear swollen but she didn’t like me touching around it, but who would like that? I couldn‘y tell if it was hurting or not. She is my dearest most cuddly hen and I would be bereft to lose her. What is your experienced advice? Time to take her to an (expensive) exotic pet vet?