2 Yr Old RIR hen needs companion(s)

Rusty's Ranch :

I think we'll set up a quarantine area just to be safe. Even though I only have 1 bird, we kid that she's "Penny the Wonder Chicken" and I'd hate to have anything happen to her. We believe she's not really a chicken, but an alien disguised in a chicken suit. My husband swears he's seen her trying to build rudimentary tools

If she wasn't so stinking smart, I might just go for it and see what happens - but she's become too precious to us to take any chances.


It is my conclusion that whatever hen or hens get to come to live with you and Penny, they will be VERY lucky.​
Found someone nearby in Norco who raises about 25 different breeds and has a large selection of young heritage breed pullets. Hubby and I will be going out to his ranch on Sunday to take a look. Hopefully we'll come home with a couple new cuties

Wish us well
Will do ... the ranch confirmed that they have Wyandottes, Americaunas and Orpingtons. I thought these might be good choices since they seem to be calm and don't mature too quickly. But who knows ... everything might go out the window when we get there and see "the One" or "Two" perfect little chickies. Won't matter what the breed, so long as they are healthy and have the right disposition.

Can't wait!!
That's so wonderful. I am sure you will find the right companions for Penny. Have a safe trip and don't forget something to bring the newest flock members home in.
Update ... we came home with 2 cute little pullets on Sunday. One is an Ameraucana, the other a Buff Orpington. We have them quarantined in the coop/run over in the garden. I estimate they are around 4 or 5 months old.

Penny can hear them (and I think she's seen them), but seems to have no interest in them whatsoever
. In fact, I think she gets mad at me when I go out to see them. This morning she was in the house (as usual) and started her "alarm" scream while I was out with the chicks. When I came in, she was just standing in the middle of the kitchen. I think she's jealous.

Yesterday, we were doing yard work so the chicks could get used to us. Typically Penny would be out in the yard with us, but she stayed in the house and wouldn't come out.

Do you think she would have been more interested if we had come home with RIR's? Am I doomed to have an indoor chicken?

Time will tell, it's only been 1 day
Congratulations on the new additions!! It will take awhile for Penny to come around. And she may not be terribly motivated to get used to them being spoiled in the house as she is!!!
Getting them all used to each other likely won't be without "issues" either especially since the other two are already a pair.
Thanks for the support! We'll see how things go ... really really need to get Penny OUT OF THE HOUSE! Been thinking about going back to get a 3rd pullet for the OUTDOOR flock, just in case Penny doesn't come around. Probably jumping the gun.

Will try to be patient
Luckily, chickens don't really care if they are the same breed as other chickens in a flock. Penny is just jealous of your attention going elsewhere to "interlopers." In HER yard. Mixed flocks do just fine. I don't have very many "duplicate" breeds in my large flock. Pecking order issues aren't breed-dependent.

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