2'0 Jumping

WE ARE TOTALLY ATTACHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are so attached, then you need to slow down and stop to think about what is best for him, and not just about what you want. He is NOT full grown yet. He can continue growing until he is 5 or 6! Until the growth plates in his bones are fused and his growing is over, he is not an adult even though he looks like one. If he damages a growth plate in a canon bone, for example, and it fuses as a result, what happens is the other growth plates continue growing and he winds up with the canon bone in one leg being longer than the canon bone in the other leg. Often you cannot see the difference in the 2 bones just by looking at him. It only shows up on x-rays because you can actually measure the bones. Over time the longer canon bone will take more concussion on landings than the shorter one and eventually you wind up with a crippled horse. And this is only one example of what can happen when you push a horse before he is mature. So if you care about this animal, then look out for his best interests. He's already 4. Is it going to kill you to wait one more year? What is one year when you consider that he will have a using life of 20 or more years IF you take care of him?!?


You are right, no jumping until he is 6. Thank you SOOOOOOOO much.
What she said. Horses are not done growing until they are 5. While they may reach their height at an earlier age, they need to fill out with muscle and bone before being asked to do sports. Endurance horses can't compete in 25 mile rides until they are 48 months old and 50 mile rides until they are 60 months old. Tennessee Walking Horse trainers usually do not even canter on their horses until they are 4, usually because they are all legs and very gangly during their 2-3 year old stage. A horse should also be THOROUGHLY trained "on the flat" before even attempting to begin over fences training.

I would highly suggest that you go visit a hunter/jumper barn and talk to the trainers and instructors there. 4 year old horses should not be jumping. Schooling over cavalettis, yes, but not jumping.

Yes, you are young and excited and want to "do it all" but you have PLENTY of time. I know people into their 70s that still compete on horseback. Find out what your horse has an aptitude for. While some horses are jacks of all trades, most will have a talent for one or two areas.

I know we all sound very negative, but most of the horse people on here have been involved with horses for a long time. EweSheep used to show Peruvian Pasos and has done endurance, Patandchickens has done a lot of different disciplines, I've done Arab circuit, Arab dressage and endurance too. We love horses and would not like to see anything bad happen to you or your horse.

Does the local high school have an equestrian team? Is there a Pony Club in your area? It might not hurt to look into these. Even though you are not in high school, many teams allow younger students/riders to practice if not compete.

I think I will show toby in flat, and a very experienced horse in jumping. THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING ME REALIZE THIS!!!!!!

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