20% of Flock is Doing Weird Molting...To Give Molt Muffins or Not?

They are offered when girls go into a molt to help supplement the demand for the additional protein needed for the development of the new feathers coming in.
Wonders what the protein content of those recipes really is...higher than the feed you give?
Can of mackerel might be more effective..... and easier tho stinkier :D
Short-term supplementation isn't likely to cause any issues with your other girls - if some have started, the others might not be too far behind regardless. With BSF and the higher protein feed though, they'd probably be fine without.
Hens that are not getting enough tend to turn to feather cannibalism to fulfill that need and on the other extreme - too much protein in the diet can show up as 'foamy' poos and long-term buildup could lead to conditions like gout. That would be on the extreme from what I've researched. I also go for higher protein in my layer feed - moreso as we get hotter conditions here - but did a bit of research before throwing my layers on chick crumble so I could raise babies in the flock.

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