20 week old with watery milky colored stool and lethargy


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 27, 2014
Boise, ID
My sicillian buttercup began to look sick yesterday. She was standing and closing her eyes like she was exhausted. Today she let us walk up to her and catch her with no fuss, something's very very wrong. We brought her in and watched her for an hour, she had three runny watery (absolutely no firm) white colored stools. She is so lethargic, she's standing and did eat a little tiny bit of offered grape (before we saw she had diarrhea) I have isolated her completely, she is the bottom of the pecking order of a BR, RSL and Brown Leghorn and at first I thought maybe she was being completely kept from the food but now believe there is likely something else going on. The feed store is closed for the night so all the advice to give her anti-biotics is off for the night, even if I knew what to get? Any help on what's wrong with my little pretty girl and what can be done to help her?

Poor little chikee......I will say that last weekend, I found a very peculiar egg, shell-less small white mass in the nesting box and thought it was hers...even though she''s just barely of age and so small...the BR & RSL are laying and have been for a few weeks. Her vent isn't blocked but her rear feathers are covered in the "uck". Do I bathe her or will that just stress her too much? Does she have salmonella? As you can see, super unsure of what to do for her...
Don't bathe her while she is so ill. She may be severely dehydrated. The white in her stool is urates or urine. I would offer her water with electrolytes and vitamins, and dip her beak if she won't drink. A dropper can also be used if she won't drink. Is it hot where you are right now? I will put some flat pans of water around in shade to wade in to cool their feet and drink out of on hot days. Here is a homemade electrolyte recipe:

1/2 teaspoon salt substitute*
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 gallon water
*Salt substitute is readily available in most stores in the spice aisle near the salt, but if you do not have it, don't worry, the solution will still have most of the benefits intended to combat heat stress.
"Administer this solution to dehydrated chickens in place of drinking water for four to six hourse per day for a week, offering fresh water for the remainder of each day."
Don't bathe her while she is so ill. She may be severely dehydrated. The white in her stool is urates or urine. I would offer her water with electrolytes and vitamins, and dip her beak if she won't drink. A dropper can also be used if she won't drink. Is it hot where you are right now? I will put some flat pans of water around in shade to wade in to cool their feet and drink out of on hot days. Here is a homemade electrolyte recipe:

1/2 teaspoon salt substitute*
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 gallon water
*Salt substitute is readily available in most stores in the spice aisle near the salt, but if you do not have it, don't worry, the solution will still have most of the benefits intended to combat heat stress.
"Administer this solution to dehydrated chickens in place of drinking water for four to six hourse per day for a week, offering fresh water for the remainder of each day."
Thank you...I've got her isolated so I will make the solution right now and give it to her. It is extremely hot here, near 100 for several days. Another item...truely the first thing I noticed yesterday was her comb, which is supposed to look a little bit like a little crown, was completely laying down, drooping. I hope it isn't something worse...although I'm sure this is pretty bad....

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