**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

leepsy, your block went out Wednesday - it might arrive today
Calicokat.....I can't wait to see it. I love getting these blocks in the mail. Always a nice surprise. I love your avatar by the way. It's Cool.

I got your addresses, Cluckin', #CaliGirl and chicken women. The blocks will be in the mail tomorrow. I will post a pic as soon as I get them uploaded. That takes a while on dialup.

Great block, Acre. Isn't paper piecing just the greatest thing. I love it.
Thanks you for all the comments on the block, it was very easy to do because of the paper piecing. And leepsy.....your right paper piecing is great
but I still can't let go of my scissors for the rotary cutter
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Man, you guys are right on top of things! I hope to get my blocks done soon. I spent my last several days pretty sick (I know this seems to be a recurring theme lately). I went to the Dr. Wednesday because I feared I had a UTI. Got there and they confirmed it and prescribed me some meds. Well, I turned out to be allergic to what they prescribed, so I was awful sick. I went back to the Dr. today and she prescribed me something different. I'm not back to 100%, but much better!

I'm also excited... I had a guinea hatch a day early! And may have one more yet tonight, I hope!
aww chevygirl.. hope you can get that cleared up! It stinks to be allergic to the meds! I had that happened after having an infected/impacted wisdom tooth cut out.. found out I was allergic to Codeine AND Amoxicillin!!

NanaKat, here is your block. I think it's one of my best!! lol meaning.. I didn't have to take it apart and resew it! lol I hope you like it.


chicken women, here is your block.. I hope you like it too! I only had to resew one corner! lol This swap IS improving my skills! One day I hope to be as good as the rest of you!


I can't wait for next month's swap. I found some more patterns I'm eager to try! And I am going to attempt some paper piecing.. if I can figure it out!
Chevy hope you start feeling better soon. Here's you a
to help you feel better.

Elven those blocks are great!!!! You done an awesome job!!!! If we were all honest abes we would all tell how many times we had to resew

Great job
to everyone!!!! Keep up the good work
Nice blocks Elven! I didn't take a pic of leepsy's block, I don't know why, one of those moments I thought I did.
Anyway it's on it's way to you, I hope you like it!
Ok, y'all, here are my three blocks that are going out tomorrow. I hope you like them. It will be a surprise who gets which one.....




Sorry the middle one is sideways. I didn't realize it until after I had uploaded it.
Very nice blocks ladies !!!!!!!!! Chevy get well as it is so nice out this time of year !

Got all three of my blocks in the mail today. After that I went out to my coop to find tha my rosecomb (Rosie) had a 100 % hatch of some mutt eggs my friend gave me. Not bad for a first time broodie !


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