**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Happy Birthday, Acres!
Lori, I got your block today! Very pretty! I was hoping to get mine done today, but I have the stomach bug, so I am going to bed while everyone else sleeps!
Here are the blocks for 17 Roses Pink) and Crumples (Blue). They were mailed Saturday with copies of the pattern.
Hope these fit your schemes.

Elvin Dreams: I love the quilt block!!!! I've been offline a few days and just got caught up. I'm so looking forward to its arrival!
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I's a 12.5 inch version of the blossom block from "Summertime Blues" quilt in the June 2009 American Patchwork and Quilting magazine. I resized it and included it in the envelope with the block.

I think the old fashioned name is Blossom.

I'll have to do an online search to see if I can find the pattern somewhere.
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Nanakat, those are super cute! I love that pattern.

Here are the two blocks I made today. For some reason the center part of this block has been giving me trouble. The first block I made (not pictured) ended up just barely over 12' square instead of 12.5".


I was going to do one with a cow on it, but I was thinking wrong about the layout of the block when I cut it out.
Acre and Babymakes5
Later: Oh my gosh....too many sites!

I drew out on graph paper what the block looked like finished at 12 inch. I traced this onto freezer paper and then I cut out the pieces and added 1/4 inch seam to all sides. I did some playing with the pieces to determine any short cuts and this is what I ended up with:

Here are some simple instructions for each block
Cut four: floral print is a 4 and 3/4 inch square. Piece "A"

Cut one: yellow center is a 3 inch square cut on diagonal and then cut again to yield four triangles. Piece "C"

Green: 8 triangles... cut one 3 inch square on diagonal and then cut again to yield four triangles, Piece "C"
AND cut two: 3 inch by 10 inch pieces. from these you will cut the leaves similiar to the diagram.
! \\ / !
!_________/_\\________ !
These two rectangles will yield 4 of piece "B" (leaves) and four more green "C"
The triangle in the center is a 45 degree cut. If you lay two of the little green triangles in the middle of the rectangle you will see where to make your cuts. This gives you the other four green "C" triangles needed .

Cut 4: Background is a 4 inch square cut in half on the diagonal. "D"

NOTE: I always cut my pieces a tiny bit larger (1/16 inch) than the seam allowance on the pattern piece so I have a little trim if needed.

For block make four of Unit one : "A" with a yellow triangle "C" on the north corner, two green "C" on opposite corners (east and west). [The seam is 1 1/4 from the floral corner if that helps in pinning. ]

Make four Unit two : two "D" and one "B" pieced into a large triangle.

Of course, If you PM me your address, I'd be happy to send you a copy of what I have.

Last edited by NanaKat (Today 3:34 pm)
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Nanakat, glad you like it!!

Chevygirl, I did that block for a quilt not long ago.. I had the same issues with it coming out at 12 inches instead of 12.5! I finally managed to get it to work but I would have to say I wasn't really pleased with the final product.
I made 9 of them for a swap and after all was said and done it took about 14 to get 9 nice enough to send out! I couldn't figure out what was going wrong though.. all my pieces were correctly cut and sewn with a scant 1/4 seam... I just kept having to resew them til I worked it out.... I LOVE your fabrics!

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