**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

I got my block From Sandi yesterday!

ANNNNDDD Leepsy's came in today!!!!

I love them both! Thank You both! I can't wait to try paper piecing next month, that block is sooooo cool Leepsy! And Sandi, I love the chickens and can't believe what perfect stitches you make
my eyes 'bout popped outta my head when I realized you stitched it by hand!
Thank You!!!!
Eta to remove old pic

17Roses, this one is for you. Lunachick, will this work for your scheme? If so, I will send you one just like it.
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WOW! That is too cool! I always feel so lucky to get such nice blocks. I have cut out the pieces for my last block I just havent sewn it together yet. We have had a series of minor emergencies this month that has made getting them done difficult. Besides I am not doing 9 block this month (for the first time) and they take longer.

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