**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Oh! Chicken women, I'm working on your block,
You don't state any preferences, so I'm just letting you know yours is almost done and will mail it out in a few days!
I got your block today and it is even prettier in person than in the picture you posted. I love it and the colors are perfect. Thank you so much.
I can't imagine what happened to California unless the recession affected her financially and she is not on the internet any loger, sure hope not but in this world anything is possible, I hope she did get my block though. I made her a pinwheel pretty much like the one I sent Luna. Have a great day ya'll...whoo hoo on the long weekend start!!!
Bless her heart, she is forum challenged but I love her anyway...here is Crumples post from the June themed block thread..meant for Nanakat I think...

New Egg
Registered: 04/02/2009
Posts: 2
E-mail PM Re: Themed "Block of the Month" Sign-Up for JuneHi Everyone.
OMG ... got my square today in the mail from Nanakat.
OOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGG. It is absolutely beautiful. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much.

Got news on Scrambled Egg. She has a new Singer Quilting Sewing Machine. She is absolutely thrilled. I am sooooooooooooo happy for her.

Hope ya'll are have a good week.

I am ... off work tomorrow. My husband our dog son and myself are going to the beach tomorrow morning for the weekend.

Hope you all have a great weekend !!!!!!​
I got my block from Zookeeper today in the mail, Very pretty 9 square block, lots of chickens in some of them. Great job! Thanks Jean.

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