Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #7 "Natural Egg Photo Contest!"

Do these count?


Most natural eggs contest Found this little hens nest a few weeks ago. She is a EE hen has been using this hole in the horse trailer for a while now. It look as one of the other pullets have found the hiding spot. Funny how sneaky they are. Picture taken around 7 am. The green blue eggs are the EEs eggs the brown egg is a pullet egg from my rhode island red / splash marans cross She a pretty blue hen. Nice egg. The rhode island hen s egg were light brown. Big improvement hope all the pullets improve egg color and lay more eggs than the marans. PS my splash marans has sired 100% blue chicks. Have some barred EEs in incabator hatching sired by him Hope if get barred and fluffy cheeks 50 % chance I think...
This is the most natural eggs I could fine. The little hen love this spot
Most natural eggs contest Found this little hens nest a few weeks ago. She is a EE hen has been using this hole in the horse trailer for a while now. It look as one of the other pullets have found the hiding spot. Funny how sneaky they are. Picture taken around 7 am. The green blue eggs are the EEs eggs the brown egg is a pullet egg from my rhode island red / splash marans cross She a pretty blue hen. Nice egg. The rhode island hen s egg were light brown. Big improvement hope all the pullets improve egg color and lay more eggs than the marans. PS my splash marans has sired 100% blue chicks. Have some barred EEs in incabator hatching sired by him Hope if get barred and fluffy cheeks 50 % chance I think...
This is the most natural eggs I could fine. The little hen love this spot

They are incredibly sneaky aren't they? Nice pic. I once had an Ancona hatch out a dozen practically under my nose - she was in tall grass just a few feet from one of my pens. Twerps!
Most natural eggs contest Found this little hens nest a few weeks ago. She is a EE hen has been using this hole in the horse trailer for a while now. It look as one of the other pullets have found the hiding spot. Funny how sneaky they are. Picture taken around 7 am. The green blue eggs are the EEs eggs the brown egg is a pullet egg from my rhode island red / splash marans cross She a pretty blue hen. Nice egg. The rhode island hen s egg were light brown. Big improvement hope all the pullets improve egg color and lay more eggs than the marans. PS my splash marans has sired 100% blue chicks. Have some barred EEs in incabator hatching sired by him Hope if get barred and fluffy cheeks 50 % chance I think...
This is the most natural eggs I could fine. The little hen love this spot

My girls team up and hide nests from me all the time. I'll find eggs from two or three culprits when I discover where they're laying. It's kind of fun to set up convenient hideaways for them, and then go back later and find that they're "hiding" their eggs in those spots

By the way, LOVE that horse in your avatar!

Not super creative, just on the cutting board in the kitchen - but the impressive part is that the egg on the right is a grade A large egg from the store and the egg on the left is from one of my bantam cochins! It was so big it didn't fit comfortably in an egg carton for large eggs!

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