2014 breeding season begins, post your results


10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Southeast texas
Seen my first hump of the year and i noticed some of my hens wondering off by themselves, last year my 2 year olds started laying in april. wonder if that might change now that some are 3 year olds.
It must be nice to be in SE TX.
We are nowhere even near thinking about breeding season yet. We're just happy that we are above freezing for the first time in like 12 days.
My boys are looking like that, and the Pecker Head, my alpha boy, has started trying to flog us again. FYI, he got his name 'cause he hops up to the perch and then pecks my head from there.

Pecker Head...very funny!

The boys are showing off their stuff here, but I haven't heard any of that telltale "Whooo-EEEE," you know, the sound the fellas make that means "Lookout ladies, I mean business and I'm headed your way!"

*By the way, please note that I was too polite to comment about "seeing my first hump of the year."
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Pecker Head...very funny!

The boys are showing off their stuff here, but I haven't heard any of that telltale "Whooo-EEEE," you know, the sound the fellas make that means "Lookout ladies, I mean business and I'm headed your way!"

*By the way, please note that I was too polite to comment about "seeing my first hump of the year."
So many things to say, but I guess we have to behave, 'cause this is a family friendly forum, right?

Pecker Head...very funny!

The boys are showing off their stuff here, but I haven't heard any of that telltale "Whooo-EEEE," you know, the sound the fellas make that means "Lookout ladies, I mean business and I'm headed your way!"

*By the way, please note that I was too polite to comment about "seeing my first hump of the year."
Heard that sound yesteday
I am in no way ready to hunt eggs but i got a list to fill so i have to.
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I did not see this thread LOL I will post Johnskoi eggs here then cause his peas are breeding. I will update the info and hope for some hatches around February 23rd. The eggs went in on Jan 26.
My dogs woke me up a 5:43am this morning so I checked the eggs with a light and the same 5 had no signs of life and 5 unfortunately quit and had the red ring of death and no movement of the heart. So 13 are still growing good in the incubator. I added the last 5 eggs into it about 1 hour ago. I will see what happens with them, hopefully they grow
The mating calls have begun here
it is bitter sweet, i do hope i can be strong and not hatch this year but god i love raisen up babies no matter what they are.

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