2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Thanks. Am I a bad person for feeling some relief when they pass?

Of course not and don't ever think that
Thanks. Am I a bad person for feeling some relief when they pass?

Absolutely not. I am a hand wringing, pacing the floor wreck while trying to save them. I am trying my best to have a more "What will be will be" outlook on things this year. When you try and try and they still go downhill, you can't help but feel some relief when they are at peace finally. I truly believe they are not all meant to make it, my hens almost always have at least 1 that doesn't hatch and often they will lose another in the first couple days, so I know they are not all meant to live. If you are a bad person for this then I am as well.
So when i will be able to know if his color is bronze or just splading? The male in this pen don't carry any white eye gene that why i was surprised to get sp chicks from this pen, can a pied chick get more than 90% white color of his body? Shouldn't this make him sp?
Pied birds can be highly variable. You can get very white birds that are not SP. SP birds would have to be white eye. It will take 6-8 weeks before you can be sure whether it is spalding or bronze. Make sure before you let it go. One of my biggest OOPS was letting what turned out to be a beautiful spalding bronze pied bird go as a spalding pied bird least year. I saw Josh last weekend and let him know that he had a customer posting with chicks. He said he was glad you were doing well with them and hoped you were enjoying them. He remembered cutting all the gorgeous tails off for shipping.
Pied birds can be highly variable. You can get very white birds that are not SP. SP birds would have to be white eye. It will take 6-8 weeks before you can be sure whether it is spalding or bronze. Make sure before you let it go. One of my biggest OOPS was letting what turned out to be a beautiful spalding bronze pied bird go as a spalding pied bird least year. I saw Josh last weekend and let him know that he had a customer posting with chicks. He said he was glad you were doing well with them and hoped you were enjoying them. He remembered cutting all the gorgeous tails off for shipping.

Is SP Silver Pied or Spaulding Pied?
So my friend that put eggs from our peas under her broody had 5 hatch out sometime yesterday. When she checked, the broody had beaten up 2 of the 3, so my friend removed all the chicks and put the 2 needing the most help into her incubator to bring their temp. up, they seemed to be slowly improving when I talked to her earlier. She says it looks like 3 white and 2 pied.

As for the ones we put into our incubator, only 1 egg looks like it is developing- has about 12 days more to go.
So my friend that put eggs from our peas under her broody had 5 hatch out sometime yesterday. When she checked, the broody had beaten up 2 of the 3, so my friend removed all the chicks and put the 2 needing the most help into her incubator to bring their temp. up, they seemed to be slowly improving when I talked to her earlier. She says it looks like 3 white and 2 pied.

As for the ones we put into our incubator, only 1 egg looks like it is developing- has about 12 days more to go.
Bad broody, SPANK!

Me too I he'd to clean 2 of them up with a cotton ball. One I had to help out the other I found in the bator this morning . It got out by itself but it still a spot on its back where it stuck to the shell. I know now when and how to help out. I still have 12 guineas and 4 peas to hatch! Wish me success!

Did your Peas hatch yet Margaret8?

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