2014 breeding season begins, post your results


Anyone care to guess what my sneaky silver pied hen is doing???? Just when I thought the 2014 breeding season was behind me, and at last count she's got 5 of them under there!
Yep i got the same thing going on here found a hen on 5 fresh eggs and my pied hen is sitting with the guinea hen on her nest cause i took her eggs, learning alot about the hens this breeding season that pied hen comes off the nest with the guinea and follows her everywhere then when the guinea goes back to the nest the peahen walks off honking then sneaks back and get on the nest with the guinea hen. it will be interesting to see them both raise the keets
My babies' leg are fine now! Both feet turn out a little, but looking at the other ones I think that they are susppose to be that way! Thank you again Kathy.
Have another internal pip. It's day 26 for it and it's one of the three from the 40% humidity experiment. Fear not, lol, I'm not going to let it hatch at 40%, it's been moved to the Janoel where the humidity is at about 70%.


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