2014 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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I love the last picture!

24 week old Poppy, a buff brahma pullet, sitting pretty on a hay feeder in the barn

20 week old Roswell, a wheaten marans cockerel practices vigilance over his ladies in the pasture
PS: To the people posting more than two photos, if you want to be included, you should go back and EDIT your original post. Delete all but the two you want to enter.

I assume adding more than two automatically disqualifies you.. How is BYC supposed to know which two to include in the final? If I'm wrong, I apologize.
I thought we were only aloud to enter 2 pictures?

Yup, anybody submitting more than 2 pics will unfortunately have all their submissions disqualified (to make things fair). If you see someone with multiple pics, send them a friendly PM pointing them to this post. They can then edit out their extras and leave the 2 best ones of their choosing.
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