2014 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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I love this picture. It's so insightful. She looks wise for a chicken.

PS: To the people posting more than two photos, if you want to be included, you should go back and EDIT your original post. Delete all but the two you want to enter.

I assume adding more than two automatically disqualifies you.. How is BYC supposed to know which two to include in the final? If I'm wrong, I apologize.
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I would also like to know if it's limited to just chickens, or if other poultry are included!
From last year, you can, but unlikely they will be chosen.

Also, horizontal pictures have a higher chance of making it to the final cut. The vertical images don't fit so well in a calendar shot. Keep that in mind.
I wasnt meaining you spefically saw some other people two, i'm not really concerned just wanted to know because if we can enter more by golly i'm gonna lol.
From last year, you can, but unlikely they will be chosen.

Also, horizontal pictures have a higher chance of making it to the final cut. The vertical images don't fit so well in a calendar shot. Keep that in mind.

ok, thank you so much! that narrows my choices a tad!
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