2014 Crochet square swap, colorful circles.

We are still making 12 each, right? If so, I'm done with my little ones and 1/2 done with the larger ones!

Sebocat Jr on the other hand has a LOOOOONG Way to go..... I think I am going to have to help him along, and with my current schedule, its going to be tricky. We might be a few days behind at this rate....
I hate to say it but me too. I've been sick for about two weeks. I was feeling better but then went to see the grandkids and got sick even worse than before. I am feeling somewhat better today and at the stage where I'm sick of being sick.

PM me the address and I'll get these out asap. I've got about 10 large to finish. Shouldn't take me long if I put my mind to it.

One thing about living where it snows is you have to button up for the winter. Still have to bring the hoses in, get the coops ready and put things away.
The coming winter is part of what has me behind, too. We have a lot of projects we are trying to get done. Had to finish work on the shop, get in insulated so we could get heat in it so we can put electrical in it - had to build a barn, change over tires, clean the yard, put a floor in the new coop.........there is finally an end in sight though, and I get three days off. Mine will be done, no problem, but the kid is only 1/2 way into his small squares and hasn't started the large ones......so with any luck, there will be some sparks flying off my hook....there will have to be for me to catch up!! doh!
How are everyone's squares coming along? I have been side tracked with my sweater and doily (thanks to all for talking about them on the other thread! I decided to try one, and absolutely love it!!!!!!) and I just finished my sweater Saturday... So now I am going in full circle square mode for two weeks. Plus I've hired out help... :) my sister is going to do a few squares for me. Bless her heart.
Mine are finished, I did mine early b/c of a big quilting project I knew I would have about the same time.
I've got nine large to go. This cold is really kicking my butt. My ears are ringing and feel stuffed. I'm taking MusinexD but it's not helping much. I've gone through about four boxes of tissues and had DW buy 10 more the other day. I've sucked on more cough drops than I care to think about. I've gone through one whole package and bought another while out buying feed today.

I can't sleep worth a darn. I can't concentrate to watch TV so cable doesn't help.

I'll get them done or else. I can move fast once I can focus. What's the cut off date?

I feel like crap, Rancher Hicks.

What's your favorite Halloween joke?
Nov 10th is the due date, but I already know some are going to be a little late.

This isn't a Halloween joke, but it does refer to a holiday, a bit long but here goes

Knock Knock .... Whose there

Ether .........Ether who?

Ether bunny .... Knock knock .........whose there

An ............... an who?

another ether bunny ...........knock knock

whose there?

Still ............still who?

Still another ether bunny............. knock knock

Whose there?

car ................ car who?

car go beep, beep, run over ether bunny .........knock knock

whose there?

Boo ............. boo hoo?

Don't cry ether bunny be okay.

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