2015 breeding season

Congrats to everyone with new babies!

Well I opened my bronze we eggs. I only had 2 that didn't have rolling air cells but they didn't develop at all. :(. I am sure they took some really hard knocks at the P.O. Which detached all the little embryos or whatever you call it.

Also opened one of yours, Bill.. The one I thought looked funky. No development in it either. One of yours looks good but no movement or chirping that I see. I hope it pips but I just don't know why nothing is moving. I can't tell which is which as the broody wore all the ink off. I can see why folks just buy chicks.

I am still a little worried about my little one, all she wants are bugs. She and the chicken hen are having a tough time communicating. Chicken hen doesn't know to squat when baby is cold, baby wants to roost under moms wing and not be under her body, etc etc. I guess I need to go catch more June bugs...
I just had to open that last one to see what was what. Poor dear had developed up til about day 22 or so and then died. That was about the time I moved it inside under a different mom chicken (as I had one hatching planned to raise them together). I am certain that had something to do with it but as to what I am clueless as she was a dedicated sitter til this morning. Make that yesterday morn I guess. :(
Congrats to everyone with new babies!

Well I opened my bronze we eggs. I only had 2 that didn't have rolling air cells but they didn't develop at all.
. I am sure they took some really hard knocks at the P.O. Which detached all the little embryos or whatever you call it.

Also opened one of yours, Bill.. The one I thought looked funky. No development in it either. One of yours looks good but no movement or chirping that I see. I hope it pips but I just don't know why nothing is moving. I can't tell which is which as the broody wore all the ink off. I can see why folks just buy chicks.

I am still a little worried about my little one, all she wants are bugs. She and the chicken hen are having a tough time communicating. Chicken hen doesn't know to squat when baby is cold, baby wants to roost under moms wing and not be under her body, etc etc. I guess I need to go catch more June bugs...
Sorry about your loss, peafowl eggs the harder i guess when it comes to hatching, i'm still trying to the best i can do for hatching them but i'm still having bad hatch rate and so are many people, and yes, its always better to buy chicks.
If I remember correctly you got one egg from Elvis, IBBS/Cameo over Cameo hens and the other was either IB or from Rocky, the IBBSWE over IBWE hens. So it should not be too difficult to figure what it is when it hatches. You were here on a Sunday and set it on Monday so it should be due anytime now.
It was a quitter, kskingbee. :(

I wondered when the air cell didn't slant and no movement. Like I said I think it might have had something to do with putting it under a different hen? :(
I have a few males losing train feathers already but they are males I'm not breeding with. I suppose with getting rain 5 outta 7 days and my egg count is about 1/2 of what is was last year, this season will be over thankfully very soon.
My white boy lost his last train feather 4 days ago but my India blue has yet to start. My experience has been white and silver pied have lost theirs way early.

One of my hens that I didn't get shut up before she nested came home a few days ago with part of her wing missing. It looks like she is recovering well but not sure she will ever fly very high again, it looks rough. At least whatever it was didn't kill her. I try to keep track but this was such a wet cold spring a couple started nesting where I couldn't find them. :(
Piper has lost three T feathers, otherwise my breeders are intact. The free ranging cocks with no hens are starting to lose some, Freebird, a three-year-old IB has dropped about half of his already.

What a difference a few days make! When it rains it pours, Pipers train feathers are falling out right and left and another cock, Poppa P is starting to loose a few also.

Poppa P went nuts the other night. Limpy got under the divider and into the Purple pen and Poppa went ballistic trying to hurt her, he had her pinned down in the corner beating her up.
Then after I got her back where she belonged he started beating up his own hens! Why so temperamental?

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