2015 New York Chickenstock

My daughter loved watching the shearing demo.

Maybe announcing (with a bull horn or loudspeaker) sheep shearing demo is starting, etc. I know for the raffle drawing Nutty's son came around and told everyone but if it gets bigger that might be tough to do.

For those that knew I got a flat tire while there, I didn't run anything over. My tire stem failed. Thanks to Nutty's husband for letting me use his floor jack and to the couple parked next to me selling reclaimed furniture who changed my tire for me!
I would have loved to have seen the demo too. It was a very busy day. I am bringing the kids next time to watch the goods n chicks so I can spend time socializing. I am also going to buy some cover. Time for an easy up or whatever you want to call it!
Time seemed so short at chicken stock. Just finding people we only know by screen name can be tough, then we get talking chickens or incubation or whatever and then oh yeah, who wanted that other iris... I was thinking about the demo thing quite a bit. I apologize for chickening out, but I Get a little freaked out about talking in front of a group & that the birds do scream and try to flop around and it's not real pleasant. I would be happy to discuss it tho in a small group.

But I was thinking that maybe setting a time for any of the demos might not be realistic. Now I am guilty of not finding the name tag station this year, but what if those of us that have stuff like beekeeping or processing or whatever also wore a tag that says, "Ask me about (beekeeping)" or whatever the potential demo is. Then if a conversation starts & enough people seem interested, a demo can be planned or done impromptu or just discussed. I am interested in beekeeping, but I'm not sure if I saw or spoke to u, boskelli. & I forgot about the potential beekeeping demo. I promise to wear a name tag at the next chicken stock, :p

It could even be part of our name tags, like "ask me about silkies or barnevelders or building hoop coops". Idk, just a thought. I found myself scouring my brain for the thread conversation that went w the screen name at the same time putting a face and a real name, meanwhile continuing to be my awkward self :/

I am usually socially awkward. I found myself asking "Are you BYC???" Or "Do you know where Boskelli is, I' m suppose to get some plants from her?" Which turned out to be an ice breaker of sorts? If the person was BYC I introduced myself so I could put a face to the name. I think it was a great time even though I couldn't now pick anyone out from police line up.

I think it's fine for those who don't want to or aren't comfortable doing demos. However, I would love to learn ALL the skills you all possess everything from Silkies haircuts, bathing, trimming nails to processing. You all possess the knowledge... "Imma wanna be chicken nerd lady."
I am usually socially awkward. I found myself asking "Are you BYC???" Or "Do you know where Boskelli is, I' m suppose to get some plants from her?" Which turned out to be an ice breaker of sorts? If the person was BYC I introduced myself so I could put a face to the name. I think it was a great time even though I couldn't now pick anyone out from police line up.

I think it's fine for those who don't want to or aren't comfortable doing demos. However, I would love to learn ALL the skills you all possess everything from Silkies haircuts, bathing, trimming nails to processing. You all possess the knowledge... "Imma wanna be chicken nerd lady."

Your ideas on trimming Silkies, trimming of nails etc. are excellent subjects for someone to demonstrate! I hope they are incorporated with the next Chickenstock.
I had the privilege of your company gramma! All good suggestions mentioned above. I am certainly willing to share the knowledge I have aquired, from processing to nail trimming and grooming and bathing. The caveat to this is I use techniques that work for me and may not be what you have read or seen in other places. Again, we learn from others and adapt those skills to our own situation. That's what's great about meeting with other chickenistas. We can pick each others brains on issues, problems, etc and help each other out.

Little big man is still getting used to being the head roo now that Einstein and blue are gone. I did hear him crow this am for the first time. He is coming around slowly.
It's such wonderful part of this website that we can all be resources for each other. There's only so much one can learn from a book. To find people who have put it into practice is invaluable. The potential of bringing these people together for another chickenista is fantastic!

Was there really a sheep shearing demo at CS? I didn't even know there were sheep there.
Not Really ...still upset tummy .. I want this to go away ...
You are so sweet and were a big help to me and my boys. Many thanks!
I was trying to figure out who you where ! ..no problem I love Boys ..I had 2 ! so I naturally am drawn to them ...

I posted My Picture so people could recognize me with my screen name ..I know some people are phobic about these things .
If you are not ...please post a self picture for us to recognize you ...I sure everyone knows what Nutty looks like ( The Grill Lady ).
I wish there was a easy way to PM everyone at the same time LOL

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