2015 New York Chickenstock

If I have a decent hatch (it's my first), I will consider bringing chicks. They'd be 6 weeks old. I have Marans, Ameraucanas, Welsummers, Brahmas, Partridge Plymouth Rocks, EE mixes, and some mystery eggs in the incubator. Hatch date will be around 7/31. I'll keep you posted.
Thats a good Motto to live by ..

Everyone had different expectations ...of what the last one would be
Who would be coming to the Sept 12 th chickstock....
if it is going to be held ?

Well - I hope to go. I think I'm getting 6 ducklings from LadyHawke and I'm always up for more chickens!
. Not sure yet what I would be bringing, probably some Christmas craft projects, plants if available. I would also like to do the bee thing. I will schedule a time so that it doesn't get lost in the shuffle.
I don't plan on going in Sept. I had a fun time, and while I didn't have other chickenstocks to compare with,
I enjoyed the time there even if it was very busy and hardly any time to "relax" with other BYC'ers.
It's just a longer trip for us, and I ended up selling many of my birds I brought at a loss,
only to come home to people wanting to buy some at full price!
Plus, September is usually a busy time of the year for us, and I still have projects to accomplish that
have been on my to-do list since November when we moved or spring.

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