2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Hey guys, need help with this pea chick. Born 6/7/15 about 4 am. it has something wrong with its legs and a bald spot on its head... the right leg is worse than the right. tried to take picts. instead of going down, its legs go up and above its wings when it tries to walk... its "knees" are looking bruised. anything I can do to help it? or will this correct itself. it has not walked yet and looks more like its crawling... using its wings for help.

Its father is BS its mom is IB Pied. and its kind of small. but otherwise, its eating and drinking and has energy. Thanks. (cage is in our basement to keep it away from the dog, sorry our house is over 200 years old, basement is clean but - ugly...)
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Hey guys, need help with this pea chick. Born 6/7/15 about 4 am. it has something wrong with its legs and a bald spot on its head... the right leg is worse than the right. tried to take picts. instead of going down, its legs go up and above its wings when it tries to walk... its "knees" are looking bruised. anything I can do to help it? or will this correct itself. it has not walked yet and looks more like its crawling... using its wings for help.
the "knees" you're talking about are actually ankles :)

As for what to do, it's either some kind of splay, which might be fixed/helped by adding a hobble so it can't move it's legs apart or up (since you said it's going over the wings, a hobble will prevent that). Lots of different materials you can use, I used soft medical tape, some people use vetrap, some people use rubber bands...

If it's NOT a splay, it might be a slipped tendon(s), in which case I've no idea if there's any way to fix that.
@autumnmfisher ...
I'm sure you will get help from the peapeople with chick foot/leg problem experience...

But in the meantime, perhaps your baby could benefit from a verson of @frenchblackcopper 's "burrito" - it basically holds the legs in the position that they should properly be in: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/896809/fixing-splayed-legs
@KsKingBee developed an alternate "sock burrito" version that yielded him some success, see his posts on this page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/971214/2015-peafowl-hatching-support-group-eggs-and-chicks/80

There may be other helpful info in that "2015 peafowl hatching support" thread, too.

As I understand it, it is more effective if you can do something for the little guy sooner rather than later...
Good luck!
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Yes, get those legs tethered so they are the correct distance apart and under the body of the chick.If it just hatched it can go a day without having to dip it's beak in water and trying to get food down it,so act quickly and it should be better in a day. The biggest mistake is waiting and hoping the problem will correct itself in several days and by that time the bones have became stiff in the same position they were in when hatched.
Hey guys, need help with this pea chick. Born 6/7/15 about 4 am. it has something wrong with its legs and a bald spot on its head... the right leg is worse than the right. tried to take picts. instead of going down, its legs go up and above its wings when it tries to walk... its "knees" are looking bruised. anything I can do to help it? or will this correct itself. it has not walked yet and looks more like its crawling... using its wings for help. Its father is BS its mom is IB Pied. and its kind of small. but otherwise, its eating and drinking and has energy. Thanks. (cage is in our basement to keep it away from the dog, sorry our house is over 200 years old, basement is clean but - ugly...)
I have to add if the cage is it's brooder the next most important thing is never keep babes on newspaper. That will cause problems for any chick and will not allow this little one hope to recover. Use an old dishtowel or paper towels. No newspaper or cardboard floors. I use this and it seems to be a perfect width and not too sticky. It just came off on its own after about 3 days and all was good.
This came out of a nice little first aid kit. Perfect.
Wow thank you guys so much, putting the legs together with medical tape. I do have saw dust in the cage, just not in the front by the food and water. he/she is gonna get a towel on the whole bottom tho. I usually don't use newspaper but my last batch made such a mess with the food and water... last batch were ducks tho... :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I think he'll be fine now.
Question: how long does the tape have to stay on? today it was two days old, so it was let go two days :( another just hatched tonight at 8:30, looks like its having the same problem. right leg sticking out and flipping it over its wing. is there something I'm doing wrong while incubating that causes this? got a little giant still air incubator, temp about 101.5, humidity 50-60%. (70-80% for hatch) turning three times a day as close to 8 hours apart as possible. had the incubator at 99.5 and no chicks were hatching... fixed it by raising the temp and now they are hatching but hope not all of them have this problem.
So usually how long does the tape have to stay on to fix the legs?

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