2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

I don't consider an IB  a dark pied tho and this chick as well as your adult above is not a dark pied,,so the equation-ratio needs to include IB in the mix somewhere

I'd like to know what you think Blu is if not the definition of dark pied? My understanding of it is a pied birds that shows no white except possibly primaries and throat patch, but is genetically pied, not split pied. Which is exactly what Blu is. No matter what color morph you have, they're all genetically india blue birds with different alleles, so it's always possible (however remotely) that just like a mutation occurred to bring about a color shift, a mutation could occur back to the wild type coloring.

I know your blackshoulder pens shouldn't produce non blackshoulder kids. Do you have any new, young hens in that pen? Is it possible that in dealing with an sp bird that is already heavily white, that one of the birds is actually only split bs or not bs at all? Is your taupe pen all taupe + bs? if they aren't and there's a fence gap like you said, you may have your answer.
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I trust Brad Leggs visual apraisal from the pics I sent that the chick is not Taupe.The BSSP birds has all been together for the 4th breeding season now. 2 Bssp hens and a silver pied hen is in this group.There is 2 bssp hens in the Taupe pen along with a Taupe hen. I was looking at that chick again a few minutes ago and it was standing next to a purple pied chick and the color of tan or lite brown resembles that color very close. The other IB chicks in there that are one week older are much darker especially on their wings as far as the brown coloring goes.

Legg has a picture of a Taupe peachick on his website that is very,very close in color to mine but mine has the dark row of feathers across the wings which his taupe chick does not in his picture.
I say dark silver pied out of the non-blackshoulder silver pied hen. Some of my dark silver pied birds have almost no white on them.
Yeah, after hearing the pen details I'd have to agree. The lighter color might also be due to having a copy of white-eye gene from the SP genes, that can happen sometimes.

Here's what my last dark pied (out of silver pied) white eye baby looked like (the flash washed out the color a little more than what was true, the black striping was still present but just a little lighter):

If yours only had 1 copy, it might give it that not-purple-but-not-blue-either washed out coloration on the fluff, etc.
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None of my dark pied birds have any white feathers, i have three, two of them are carrying double genes of white eye!
Both of my dark pieds have just a couple white feathers, and both carry double white-eye gene as well (both from 100% silver pied parents) but with no indication that they are carrying (no white eyes on the boy, no frosting on either bird). If I were to look at them and judge by phenotype, I'd say they are blue split pied or white- but since I know that genetically they are silver pied birds (who throw silver pied kids, so I'm 100% sure), I know that they are dark pieds instead.
He's lucky he had your help!

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