2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Rain is the biggest killer of a good year. Males will not breed in wet weather.
Yeah and it's especially bad here, since Blu was the one making all the babies, and he's the one with the old leg injury, so he only uses one leg and already has a hard time balancing (clearly not too hard of a time that it keeps him from the ladies most of the time
). Between that and the girls all flipping their lids over rain, lightning, thunder, winds... falling leaves... bah. Silly birds, it's only weather!!
I have six two year old hens in with one cock, and they've just started laying, so it will be interesting to see if any are fertile.

I have six two year old hens in with one cock, and they've just started laying, so it will be interesting to see if any are fertile.

Oooo fingers crossed! I'm in the land of limbo where 2 of my girls are 4 years old and the rest are 2 and under... but for sure I was getting eggs from 3 different hens. But whoever was laying from the younger hens was laying clears. Hoping you have better luck!!
So far (day 27), 6/7 that made it to lockdown have hatched and are doing well.

I just had to help #6 out of the egg, as it had pipped over 24 hours ago and when I picked a little shell away to see, its wing and part of the neck was glued to the membrane with blood
Looks like maybe it pipped through a vein, but it was sitting in the egg just shrieking, so I picked away more shell and the veins were all 'dead' veins (no blood left in them) and I could see that it had absorbed like 98% of the yolk (there's a little raw red bump, but that'll close up shortly) and it was REALLY EAGER TO BE OUT, screaming and pushing until its head was free and then looking at me like "it's about time!". It had a bunch of sticky discolored gunk in its beak, I suspect blood and membrane, that I had to clear out too, but it's sleeping peacefully with the first hatched chick... who I've been calling Beep and I'm thinking of keeping!

So, for the total, looks like 1 white-eye split pied, one silver pied, two pieds, and two dark pieds/blues (no white on them but all my birds have leucistic genes in some form sooo...)

There's 1 more egg in the incubator but I'm not gonna go near it until it's overdue. Got a bunch of EE eggs I'm putting on lockdown tomorrow, and it can chill in there with them if it hasn't pipped yet, til after they are all hatched. Fingers crossed for the EE, they are a birthday present for my mama!
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I had one fertile egg last year that blew up in the incubator and six from a different hen that were all fertile this year. I incubated them all and 1 died early last week and three more just died this week. Is this normal in an incubator I was really excited about how well they were developing but just candeled them and they had died. The other two are pipping so I hope they make it out. Any tips for incubating next year so they don't die again and also what is best to feed the babies this will be my first time raising them. Thanks Hunter

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