2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Congrats on hatching a peachick!! I'm so happy for you. How did the hatch go? My 3 are a month old and obsessed with me. I also have small children or is probably have them sleeping with me! Lol. They need LOTS of attention or will cry nonstop. Hopefully the chick gets better and you can put them together!

Thanks! Finally I just hope I'm doing things right.She is getting my attention as much as possible.Im trying to get her to eat mashed hard boiled egg yolk how much should she eat she is maybe getting a couple nibbles! I'm so nervous to lose her
I love her
Make sure she eats crumbles and not just egg. You'll have to teach her. I lick my finger and put in the food so crumbles stick to it, then put in front of her to peck off. Eventually she'll eat out of the bowl if you stick your finger in and stir the food around. And finally she'll eat out of the bowl by herself.
Make sure she eats crumbles and not just egg. You'll have to teach her. I lick my finger and put in the food so crumbles stick to it, then put in front of her to peck off. Eventually she'll eat out of the bowl if you stick your finger in and stir the food around. And finally she'll eat out of the bowl by herself.

Yes I have crumbs too and put on my finger tap the bowl nothing she is not insterested. I have gotten her to drink but food is not going well she is day and half old. Any other tips?
Yes I have crumbs too and put on my finger tap the bowl nothing she is not insterested. I have gotten her to drink but food is not going well she is day and half old. Any other tips?

I make my fingers like a beak and jab the food. Usually that gets my chick's attention.
Yes I have crumbs too and put on my finger tap the bowl nothing she is not insterested. I have gotten her to drink but food is not going well she is day and half old. Any other tips?

Keep trying, but do not panic. For the first few days they are still digesting the remainder of their yolk sac. I have had them go 5 days without eating or drinking anything and then all of a sudden just start, and they were fine.
I use warm wet oatmeal the first couple of days and gradually start sprinkling in the crumbles. You still need to put it on finger and wiggle but for some reason mine are more attracted to the light color. If you have Kaytee hand feeding formula, add some of that as well.
She has all of sudden hit high energy! She runs around box like crazy! She was playing with us on the floor and started pecking at my diamond so I put crumble on my knuckle she went for it!! Yay! She is getting hang of it.
I'm weighing her daily she has lost .1oz from yesterday this is normal right?
I'm trying to get her to eat a couple times a day that I see is that enough?
She has all of sudden hit high energy! She runs around box like crazy! She was playing with us on the floor and started pecking at my diamond so I put crumble on my knuckle she went for it!! Yay! She is getting hang of it.
I'm weighing her daily she has lost .1oz from yesterday this is normal right?
I'm trying to get her to eat a couple times a day that I see is that enough?
I just put a bowl of feed in with them so they can eat when they want to eat.

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