2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

@wein315 , how's the hatch going?
3 beautiful babies! Feeding them game bird starter. 24% protein. Had them out in the sun today and they had a blast. Stayed very close to me the whole time. They ate grass and ran around. Shocked that any hatched considering I took them from someone who robbed a nest from a feral flock that lives in the "hood".
Any advice would be appreciated.
Question: Do I feed medicated or non-medicated feed? I have seen articles that say do and some that say don't. The only consistent message is protein above 20%. These guys are really cute and fun!
Congratulations! They are fun, and so cute. I always use medicated because it won't harm them, but if you are keeping them in your house it isn't really necessary. When outside try not to let them eat any worms.

Try to keep clean water. I use hamster water bottles (couple of bucks at Walmart) so they can't track through it.

Keep a heat lamp on round the clock for the first couple of weeks, then you can cut back to just at night as long as your house is in the 70s. Keep their pen away from vents/windows /drafts.

After the first 48 hours they are pretty hardy, you shouldn't have any problems once they start eating and drinking. Good luck!
Question: Do I feed medicated or non-medicated feed? I have seen articles that say do and some that say don't. The only consistent message is protein above 20%. These guys are really cute and fun!

Medicated chick starter is not required but it won't hurt any more than it won't help. Amprolium, like Corid is not very effective for game birds like peafowl. Although the idea is to give micro dosages of cocci to help build up resistance, it just does not work very well. My vet has me giving sulfadimethoxine every other week once they hit the ground and before if they show symptoms. Chicks that have not been off wire can still get cocci in a number of ways including your clothing, hands and even air born.

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