2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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Thank you! Most of the shots I get of her are of her laying down since she now has to hobble to get around ever since last year when she was chased by a grass cutter in the field behind our house. The sick part was that he was laughing while doing it too. He chased her a good 30 yards and she has never walked right since. I would have said something to him but he most likely didn't speak English.
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Tara glad you showed up here (at last!) I knew I recognized Fishstxy or is it Fishstyx
too much puppers on the brain
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Wisher 1000 those are some handsome Cockerels! I hope you don't mind my using it, the photo for my pinterest site. That is a really nice photo! I collect photos of all kinds of breeds of chickens and fowl. Let me know if you don't want it used by anyone for other purposes please. Good luck!
Thank you! Most of the shots I get of her are of her laying down since she now has to hobble to get around ever since last year when she was chased by a grass cutter in the field behind our house. The sick part was that he was laughing while doing it too. He chased her a good 30 yards and she has never walked right since. I would have said something to him but he most likely didn't speak English.
Oh that makes me angry, so glad she has learned to deal with her handicap.

Gorgeous hen, love the photo, good luck in the contest, if I could vote she would get mine.
Oh that makes me angry, so glad she has learned to deal with her handicap.

Gorgeous hen, love the photo, good luck in the contest, if I could vote she would get mine.
Thank you! I don't know if it is something in her leg or if her legs are to far apart since she doesn't exactly limp on a specific leg, and seems to hobble/waddle.
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