2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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Both rooster are still only about 6 mths old
BTW the darker one is the rooster I send a photo of my other rooster right before this
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Wow, that's tough just finding two to submit.

Top photo is a one year old VERY nosey Buff Orpington who's got to inspect anything and everything I do out side. I had cut some flowers to bring into the house and she had to inspect each one. Her name is Pickles.

Bottom photo is a also a one year old Blue Andalusian who is a champion digger in the garden. She was taking a quick break from moving all that bark onto the patio. Her name is Poppy Lu.
Suwah love the photo and background, I like to think of it as "dueling chickens," not fighting but just sizing each other up.
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