2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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Yikes, I don't blame you for being wary of roosters after your experience.  The roosters that I have now are respectful and like to keep their distance from me.  But I have had some rude kicking roosters in the past. The rude ones, ironically, were handled more when they were growing up.  

It might be time to take the eggs away from your determined broody hen.  She might resent it at first, but she will benefit from getting back to her regular chicken schedule which includes sand bathing, pecking and scratching and laying in the sun.  
Checkers (Silver Laced Wyandotte)


This is a picture I accidently took when I was driven up to my coop on my quad to unload the feed and make a run to the monure pile after cleaning al four coops not sure how it took it in black and white but I love it to bad I entered two pics already :/
It's not our chicken but I thought I would post it for fun. It's one of our ostriches with his turkey buddy
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