2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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I don't know if this is normal but he likes to sit with the hens when they are on the nest this is Black Singer on the nest in the corner looking at Big White keeping her company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are pics of my rooster Big White!
He loves being with me when he is not near other birds when we first met he attacked me but now I can walk throw the coop with no worries the hens he was just put with are not that friendly but they are coming around more as I sit out with them. Love having him and I am glad he is the building block to getting a nice size backyard flock after all he is huge, got eggs in the incubator I will see tomorrow if any got his chicks in them soo excited!

He loved to pick things out of Cleo's fur when he was out running free and no he didn't hurt her she heard a car and her eyes move faster than her head.

Looked into the eggs out of 10 eggs that I put in the incubator 6 have chicks in them can't wait for them to hatch and see what they look like!!!!!!
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This is Frick & Frack. One lays blue eggs and the other lays olive eggs. They're headstrong gals and wouldn't budge when the other one wanted the nest.

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