2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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This is Jacques my black rock rooster. the second pic has some of his hens with him. One picture was taken in the winter when the grass was still brown. The other in the summer when the grass is green. He is 5 years old and is the king of the roost.

I had to change one of the pics because I could not see it on my side (to the backyard chicken admin).
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I just thought that I would make a quick last minute entry! I meant to do a photo shoot, but time slipped away as it often does. :)

This is Annie, my BA perched on my arm in front of one of my lemon trees. :)

This one is of my two girls Indi and Fro taking a quick dust bath together, under my lemon trees. (They like the shade I guess, since I always find them there!)

This is Clucky, a rogue sex-link that showed up on January 1 and started living in our back yard. She was a really sweet girl and made us love chickens, so we got her some friends. Unfortunately, Clucky died in July of a possible reproductive tract infection just 6 months after coming to live with us.
I'm so sorry about Clucky.
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