2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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He started to develop small black spots like frost bite, but it was 89 degrees here. I loosened it up and they disappeared after a few days. He is a bit louder now, but I don't mind as long as he stays healthy.
Yes, on my last rooster, I put it on him young, he started crowing young, and being a man young, then I had that thought, He is growing! Checked it, just loosened it a bit. He crowed more loud. I think keeping an eye on them is something that we would do anyway. I would love to keep a rooster, but I have given up two, because the collar didn't work. I hear that they work better on some than others..so.. I can keep trying. :) I'll try this velcro. Different size than the collars.
Thanks! I love the gold-laced Wyandottes. I only have her, though. My others are all black Australorps. In the future, I'd like to get more Wyandottes!
Always seems to take a long time- waiting is the pits!!
Does anybody know when they will announce the winners?
:pop: nope, but reading this should give you an estimate

Copied from very first post:
Our team will go through and filter out all the submissions that don't meet the requirements for the calendar (takes about two weeks after the deadline for submissions)
We'll gather all the links to the images together and we'll go through and rate the pictures (I'm guessing it will probably be around 100+ pictures and take a couple weeks)
Once all the pictures are rated, our team will review the top submissions and choose the 13+ images that will end up in the calendar. (about a week)
Then the images go into the design and printing process and head into our store (about 3-5 weeks)
We hope to have the calendars in our store by the end of October!
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