2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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If people were getting emails then i dont think i made it. I havenr gotten anything. Thats ok, theres always next year
Same here :)
The people may have meant PM--I don't see why they would use a personal email.

I could see them using the email used to set up the account. In the past, users have won that don't frequent BYC. So, if they post or PM them, they may not even be aware they won the contest. By sending an email, they are more sure that the person is aware... Just a thought.
I could see them using the email used to set up the account. In the past, users have won that don't frequent BYC. So, if they post or PM them, they may not even be aware they won the contest. By sending an email, they are more sure that the person is aware... Just a thought.
That's possible.
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