2016 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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Yes, people DID suffer and spend way too many hours on this thread in hopes of getting a glimpse of the calendar - losing a lot of man/woman hours that would have been focused on important stuff like house cleaning, baling hay, or keeping their day jobs.
We may have been unsuccessful ourselves, but many congratulations to those that did get chosen. There were so many amazing pictures that I imagine the next few years worth of calendars are sorted......won't stop us trying again next year though.
Yes, people DID suffer and spend way too many hours on this thread in hopes of getting a glimpse of the calendar - losing a lot of man/woman hours that would have been focused on important stuff like house cleaning, baling hay, or keeping their day jobs.
I zoomed in on the picture of the calendar in the store, so gorgeous! None of mine made it, but many congrats to the winners! Which one is your photo bantam? :) I really really hope they post the top 30, I would so like to see them! It would still be really exciting to see if one of mine made the top 30. Please please please BYC staff post the top 30. :)
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