2017 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

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My 2nd Submission - A very under-appreciated breed, especially in warmer climates, the Naked Neck Turken.

This pretty boy named "Zazzle" is second generation in my flock. His father was a solid buff with black tail feathers, and his mother a barred buff with silver accents in her tail feathers and wings, accounting for his unique feather pattern. He's proven to be a devoted rooster while still remaining very people friendly.

I like this one, I am also glad to see someone else trains their chicks to be champions by having them get use to purple and seeing if they look good in purple,,

Here is my future champ in training:

Thank you, Ralphie! I must agree, purple compliments your adorable little booger perfectly.
Also, tying him/her up like a Christmas present teaches tolerance towards being messed with, which will come in handy later if you plan on showing!

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