2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

Well, one little chick decided to give the pokey little puppy a new name, putting my hatch rate at 92%!!!!!!

I did my eggtopsies today (
) and they appear to have both died on day 17-18. Yolk sac not absorbed, but pretty much developed and moving into hatching position. Any ideas on why they died?

Uh oh. A great friend of ours, who is kinda like my uncle in more ways than one is giving me his incubator......here comes more trouble.....
What a wonderful hatch rate! I am sorry about the little chickies who didn't make it though
Another incubator. . . here comes more chicks!
New to this thread. Can't read all 51 pages lol. Sorry if this isn't the hatch-a-long I should be on. Hatching eggs this week. 2 in lockdown, 3 more to go. (they were all put in the incubator on different days). My first time so
Yes, it is the hatch-a-long you should be on! I really hope they hatch!

Ahhh! Talk about watched water never boils... Ugh... The third has pipped and refuses to come out even after I demand it to and stare at it constantly and play music and clucking sounds... And use my psychic powers to get it to unzip... No. It just wants to take its sweet time, with its beak poking out, I can tell its breathing, just slow! Lol Come on #3!
Come on number 3!
My eggs are going into lock down in two days
. 21 sulmtaler eggs.

I KNOW what you mean!!!! I have the same problem....

They were from different hens, but eggs from both of the hens also hatched. I am not terribly worried though, everybody else seems fine! I was going to look for one other thing on them, and they dogs ate the embryos. Ugh. Shoulda know better.
I can relate to this. For me, the first and last to hatch are the ones I tend to watch like a hawk, willing them to zip. It was especially bad this time because of the one egg that I slipped in two days late. The night that it finally pipped my DH and I both woke up at three AM and saw it was zipping. We stood there in our pjs waiting and watching until it finished hatching. No matter how many times you see it, it is always special.

Now we are waiting for my Silkie, Snowball, to hatch the two eggs she started brooding eight days after I set the other eggs in the 'bator. I have her in a "broody box" in a spare room downstairs, and I check on her every couple hours. Both eggs are cheeping! :D

I just bought wood to build a couple more small Silkie coops so I can separate colors for breeding this spring; this will be coops five and six. Where will it end? I'm running out of yard! :p
I'm not sure if I should count on #6 the giant OE... When I candled at lockdown it seemed behind the others and perhaps with a detached aircell... We shall see... I plan to take all the other babies out as soon as they're all dry and leave it in given it hasn't pipped
Hope #6 makes it! Congrats on the rest!

I just checked on my broodie and found a fluffy light blue chick under her! The other egg is pipped, so maybe will hatch tonight.
  :weee Yay! :ya What a wonderful hatch rate! I am sorry about the little chickies who didn't make it though :hugs   Another incubator. . . here comes more chicks! :celebrate

I was very happy with my hatch rate! I knew a few wouldn't make it, I'm just thankful for the ones that did. :) And I'm hopelessly, breathlessly in love with them. Especially the last one that hatched, appropriately named 92. She has spent a lot of time on a various part of my body...nestled into my turtleneck, sitting on my shoulder, crawling up my lap underneath my shirt, in my shirtsleeves.

So excited about the Ayam Cemani's! Less than one month away until I get them, so excited! :ya

And then I can't wait to get some from you next year! Im so happy for you!
Congratulations to the ones having chicks hatch! Checking on my incubator every hour, waiting.... biting my nails.... pulling out my hair. Agh! The wait is horrendous!

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