2017 Groundhog Day Hatch-a-long!

Congratulations to the ones having chicks hatch! Checking on my incubator every hour, waiting.... biting my nails.... pulling out my hair. Agh! The wait is horrendous! 

Oh, I didn't even check it every hour. I just moved into the kitchen and never left the incubator. I litterally slept in the kitchen.

Hatch failed. Good luck to everyone else.

OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I'm so sorry. :hugs Any ideas why?
I know I'll have to deal with this someday. Not looking forward to that day. :(

Heh, I've seen very few with my kinda results. Partly coz they're shipped, partly coz I'm still ironing the kinks out of my hatching routine. Stick to local eggs in a good Bator and 0% hatch rates will be few and far between.... I got 0% for my first hatch, coz I measured temp incorrectly. You obviously didn't do that!
Heh, I've seen very few with my kinda results. Partly coz they're shipped, partly coz I'm still ironing the kinks out of my hatching routine. Stick to local eggs in a good Bator and 0% hatch rates will be few and far between.... I got 0% for my first hatch, coz I measured temp incorrectly. You obviously didn't do that!

I want to get 2 dozen shipped eggs from Michigan, but I know that's a huge risk....I think I've got a good bator. What kind do you use?

I have some Emus in the 'bator!

Ooh, those sound neat!
My mom says her family made a DIY bator when she was a kid, I would like to make one sometime. How much did it cost you to build yours?

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