2019 Newbie Chat!

Just claiming my spot on the first page! Haha! 25 chicks incoming in late Feb.

Why did you get poultry?
Well, I had quail for a few years, but sold them all off this past Spring and have been converting my "Aviary" to a "Coop" for the past.....9 months? High point numbers wise was probably about 100 chicks and 40 adults at one time. But normal average was between 20-30 quail at any one time.

What breed(s) did you get?
5X each of.....

No way I am keeping them all. Limit in my city is 8. But needed 25 for the minimum ship quantity and this way I can hopefully keep a couple of each, even accounting for death in shipping or failure to thrive. And selling a couple off after I see how they acclimate for a few days. End goal is 8 if I want to stay legal.....maybe 9 or 10 to make it a nice round number.....

Have you had chickens before?

Build/conversion thread:
I so want some Wyandottes! :love So pretty but I'm told they're a bit flighty & fliers so I have refrained. I am supposed to keep my fowl contained in my own yard but I already have one escape artiste.:th
I so want some Wyandottes! :love So pretty but I'm told they're a bit flighty & fliers so I have refrained.

Hmmm....I have a 6 foot fence. Most likely will be netting the entire run to protect from hawks. Keep going back and forth about if it is worth the effort. If the Wyandottes are good at getting some height on their flying.....the decision might be made for me.
Hmmm....I have a 6 foot fence. Most likely will be netting the entire run to protect from hawks. Keep going back and forth about if it is worth the effort. If the Wyandottes are good at getting some height on their flying.....the decision might be made for me.
That sort of fencing is not an option for me. Our coop sits on the top of our hill which slopes down to the water ~ pretty difficult terrain. I have run a 3' fence along the outside of my verandah to the coop cutting the girls off [mostly] from access to my garden but giving them plenty of foraging space & cover on the hill.
That sort of fencing is not an option for me. Our coop sits on the top of our hill which slopes down to the water ~ pretty difficult terrain. I have run a 3' fence along the outside of my verandah to the coop cutting the girls off [mostly] from access to my garden but giving them plenty of foraging space & cover on the hill.

You are in Brisbane? I was born and raised here in Seattle Washington, but my dad lives up in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. He is from the Czech Republic, so go figure about why we are all living where we are right now.
You are in Brisbane? I was born and raised here in Seattle Washington, but my dad lives up in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast. He is from the Czech Republic, so go figure about why we are all living where we are right now.
My mum is up near Noosa. Spend a bit of every summer up that way. Beautiful area. My Grandfather was Scots. Jumped ship in Sydney because it was the first port where the sun was shining! :lau Farmed in Queensland where it snows. Go figure.
:clapHi all, I’m not new, I’ve had a few rounds of chickens. But I sadly had to cull my flock early in the fall. An unscrupulous breeder sold us pullets with myco. We decided not to risk neighbors flocks and wild birds health :(
Soooooo my order is in for feb 20th ship date. 15 fuzzies. I’m so excited. I miss having them around soo much. We are getting a fun backyard mix. A few hatchery choice layers a few hatchery choice “rare” a jersey giant a light Brahma a madam and 4 silkies. The silkies are the only straight run. So I’ll probably get 4 ‘Roos. I’m fine with one. Even my poor chased daughter misses our jerky white silky Roo John Travolta. I’m in upstate New York so we will be brooding in the basement again. I’m going to tape off an area like a Dexter kill scene to try and manage the dust a bit.
Thanks for a great site. Always good info and friendly.
I've had adult chickens in the past but I'm very new to chicks.
I will be ordering them the end of this month!! Any special advice for when i first pick them up & bring them home from the post office? Steps i should take to make it more comfortable and easy transition??

I have a few ideas going for their new little temporary home while they grow until the coop is finished.
We have an old kiddie pool i saw some people convert. Also I've seen plastic totes used too.

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