2019 Newbie Chat!

GUYS. You know those pictures of wildlife photographers approached by their subjects? That's literally how I feel about this and I have no shame. This chicken is my favorite but she is a PSYCHO. She hates everyone and everything and is the only one that gentling efforts have done nothing for but today she flew her happy blue butt up onto me and chilled for like 20 mins. My entire week is made.
What breeds did you get?! I ordered females, 2 each of 8 varieties and they are throwing in an freebie, unsexed! They'll arrive the second week of April!!
We got all female as well... or at least I hope they are, as roosters aren’t allowed in my town. 2 RhodeIslandRed, 2 Australorp, 2 Easter Eggers, 2 White Maran, 1 Olive Egger and a lavender Orpington.
I kind of wish the yearly newbie threads were pinned. That would make things easier.

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