2020 Flock Life

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

  • Chicken

    Votes: 90 54.2%
  • Egg

    Votes: 55 33.1%
  • Neither

    Votes: 21 12.7%

  • Total voters
Yes, the most friendly quail I know 🤣 I’ve had tame quail before but they’d still have a wary side to them and I wouldn’t have trusted them to free range like Hugo. I would go as far as saying Hugo is a ‘bomb-proof’ quail 😅

He’s been around us when we’ve been working in the garden and on the house, we’ve dropped stuff that’s made a loud noise and he isn’t phased.

Scaly leg isn’t great on a bird and of course does need treating but people hear ‘mite’ and go into panic mode. Scaly leg mites are by far the most easiest to treat and eliminate.

If it’s not bad on your Silkie I’d wash the feet in warm water (soak them) and then scrub them with a toothbrush to loosen any scales that are raised and gross. If the scales aren’t raised enough to come off don’t force them. Then lather the legs in a thick amount of petroleum jelly making sure it’s well worked under any scales too.

Me being me I do this every day if I have a bird with scaly leg like my snowflakes I bought. That’s only because I want to see smooth legs quicker.

You could do it two days in a row, each time you’ll notice the jelly has loosened any raised scales and they can be rubbed off. Then repeat in 7 days. If no improvement, continue with treatment or do it more often.

It’s always worth buying a scaly leg preventer spray to spray onto your flocks legs even if they aren’t showing it and don’t have it 🙂

Wow, thank you very much!!! :wee: :wee :wee
I've already bathed her feet, but even if i brushed it with the toothbrush, i couldn't remove any scale...I understood my error! i applied the oil only some days, but i have to apply it all days until resolution...! I'll do. I heard someone does it with mineral oil or sunflower seed oil... Do you know if it is a letal thing? I absolutely want to get rid of it, but i'd like to know if it is an emergency...

I just posted this in my intro and thought I'd cross-post it here too. Got a few pictures of the girls today! They chose a new spot for a community dust bath and were very proud of themselves. (DH's comment is "3 phase chickens" ... a little electrical engineering humor for you :plbb .) Poor Plucky (the reddish hen) is missing some feathers from a recent close encounter with a very bold fox.

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Wow...really great hens :) Poor Plucky! so cute :hugs:hugs


I just posted this in my intro and thought I'd cross-post it here too. Got a few pictures of the girls today! They chose a new spot for a community dust bath and were very proud of themselves. (DH's comment is "3 phase chickens" ... a little electrical engineering humor for you :plbb .) Poor Plucky (the reddish hen) is missing some feathers from a recent close encounter with a very bold fox.

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Lovely hens! I like the breeds.
poor Plucky! Glad she made it! :)
I’ve started our hens on their medicine this morning. Hopefully the sneezing calms down over the next few days :fl
Sundae is being a good mommy! It got cold and she hopped right in there and got to turning and warming them. It's been pretty hot and humid till about an hr ago.
It's still raining....and I couldn't figure out why Sundae was only one in stall...
Our "junk" stall is bathing and rainy day sanctuary spot! They're so silly!
I was a little bit concerned about the lils in stall but they look to be doing ok. I shut the doors to just big enough for bigger girls to slip in and out.

Front stall is flooding a bit I might need to find a bale of straw to put down in there. I think that's why everyone is going elsewhere.

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